Greek and Roman Provincial Coins - Lydia

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8.250,00 TL
Ürün Kodu: 9786057673244
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The "Greek and Roman Provincial Coins" of Lydia is the first corpus of coins of Lydia which, unlike BMC, SNG Copenhagen, SNG München, Gökyıldırım, Von Aulock, Mionet  etc, is not limited to examples in single collections. The new work of Lydian coins, comprising of four volumes - one for electrum, gold and silver, the other three covering the vast variety of bronze civic and provincial Lydian coins from Kroisos to the Valerian family, documents coins in public, national and private collections as well as hundreds of new varieties which have been sold up to Autumn 2019.

Approximately 7,500 Lydian coins are listed (approx. 95% of which are illustrated), with additional pages of indices, lists of types, monograms, references and sources make the new four-volume GRPC corpus an indispensible work for dealers and collectors who aim to describe their coins with precision.

Set of 4 cloth hardbound volumes in a slipcase, limited edition.
1157 pages in total, 6278 coins in 466 plates, monograms, bibliography, and indices.

Vol.   I  xix + 89  pages,   678 coins in   37 plates
Vol.  II   ix + 326 pages, 1703 coins in 131 plates
Vol. III   ix + 332 pages, 1931 coins in 141 plates
Vol. IV   ix + 364 pages, 2101 coins in 157 plates

Publishers Comments / John Aiello
General Introduction / Dane Kurth

The Early Electum, Gold and Silver Coinage of Lydia / Italo Vecchi

The Post-Achaemenid Gold and Silver Coinage of Lydia / Dane Kurth

  • Catalogue of Electrum and Gold Coinage of Lydia
  • Catalogue of Silver Coins of Lydia
  • Monograms
  • Bibliography and Abbreviations
  • Index of Reverse Types of Gold and Silver Coins
  • Index of Symbols on Gold and Silver Coins
  • Index of Kings, Satraps and Emperors on Gold and Silver Coins

The Bronze Coinage of Lydia - Introduction / Dane Kurth

Catalogue of Bronze Coinage of Lydia 

  • Acrasus
  • Aninetus
  • Apollonis
  • Apollonoshieron
  • Attaleia
  • Bagis (Bageis)
  • Blaundos
  • Briula
  • Daldis - Flaviopolis
  • Dioshieron
  • Gordus-Julia
  • Hermocapelia
  • Hierocaesarea
  • Hypaepa
  • Hyrkanis
  • Kaystriani
  • Kilbiani, Upper
  • Klanudda
  • Magnesia ad Sipylum 
  • Maionoia
  • Mastaura
  • Mostene
  • Mysomacedones
  • Nacrasa
  • Nikaia-Kilbiani
  • Nysa
  • Saitta
  • Sala (Domitianopolis under Domitian
  • Sardes (Sardis)
  • Satraps of Lydia
  • Silandos
  • Stratonikeia - Hadrianopolis
  • Tabala
  • Thyateira
  • Thyessos
  • Tmolus
  • Tomaris
  • Tralles
  • Tripolis


Bibliography and Abbreviations

Greek and Roman Provincial Coins - Lydia Greek and Roman Provincial Coins - Lydia 9786057673244 Greek and Roman Provincial Coins - Lydia